Your AI Co-Pilot to help you get things done. Fast!

Ask Away is the AI-powered content generator that helps small businesses and employees generate amazing, original ideas and content on demand. Generate stunning content faster with AI.

How can I utilize Ask Away?

Ask Away AI, the ultimate tool for small businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve customer service. Our state-of-the-art technology, powered by GPT-3, allows businesses to automate their customer support, providing quick and accurate answers to common questions to write blog and social media posts instantly.

Real Examples

Want to see what it can do? Here are some simple examples.


"Write a 500-word blog post on the topic of 'Why should small businesses use social media to market their products.'"


"Create a marketing plan outline for my hairstyle salon."

Customer Service

"Write an email to a disgruntled customer. Use positive tone."

Why Choose Us

Time and cost savings

By automating tasks, Ask Away AI can help small businesses to free up valuable time and resources, allowing them to focus on growing their business. Additionally, our application can help to reduce the need for human customer support representatives and lower costs.


Ask Away AI can easily scale to meet the needs of growing businesses. It can handle large volume of customer inquiries and doesn't require additional resources, unlike human customer support representatives.


Ask Away AI can be integrated with other business tools such as CRM and e-commerce platforms, providing a comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions and improving efficiency across the business.

Client Testimonials

"I was skeptical about using an AI-powered customer support solution, but Ask Away AI has exceeded my expectations. It has saved me so much time and money - I no longer have to spend hours answering common questions from customers. It's like having a virtual customer service representative working for me around the clock!"
Sarah, owner of a small online clothing store.
"Before Ask Away AI, I used to spend hours every week answering customer inquiries. Now, I just set up the AI to answer common questions and it saves me so much time. Plus, it improves customer service as it can respond very quickly"
John, owner of a small retail store.
"As a small business owner, time is money. Ask Away AI has helped me to automate my customer support and free up time to focus on growing my business. It's like having an extra employee without the added cost."
Melissa, owner of a small landscaping business.

Request a Demo Today!

Click the button below to let one of our team members guide you through step-by-step on how you can implement Ask Away AI.

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